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Sanagi - Individual Leadership Workout 

Image Vincent van Zalinge
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SANAGI means chrysalis in Japanese. The chrysalis symbolizes the transformation, development, and potential that lies within each individual, waiting to be released and flourish.

A privileged and secure space conducive to reflection, clarification and above all, the implementation and achievement of your objectives, of performance, growth and harmony.


For whom?

You are going through a period of transition/transformation (e.g. taking up a position, change of scope, change of company, expatriation, etc.)

You want to take a moment of introspection and distance from your practice, and improve or strengthen your leadership, management and/or HR skills.

You work in dynamic, fast-paced environments and/or on the international stage.

You are curious and open to experimenting with new learning formats.


In practice

Sanagi is available in 2 formulas:

1. Full program 

Over 6 months, for in-depth transformation work through an alternative professional support model.

The program is structured around individual coaching and horse facilitated sessions, thematic workshops with partner experts, an inter-session follow-up channel, and the provision of resources.


2.     "À la carte" sessions 

Flexible duration and method of intervention.

To work on a targeted problem (preparation of an appointment/presentation, realization of a relational diagnosis, etc.).



Sanagi is an atypical accompaniment, designed as a sports training, which will mobilize the body, the mind, and the emotions, for a deep and lasting anchoring.

Its uniqueness:

  • 100% tailor-made: we co-construct the journey with our client

  • ​​Holistic: through in-depth work on the factors acting on performance, relational quality and personal balance: posture, state of mind, skills, physical and mental fitness

  • Innovative :

  • 100% tailor-made: we co-construct the journey with our client


  • Holistic: through in-depth work on the factors acting on performance, relational quality and personal balance: posture, state of mind, skills, physical and mental fitness.

  • Innovative: by introducing disruptive practices, such as horse-facilitated coaching and visual arts, and combining them with coaching, training, consulting, mentoring, well-being practices. 


  • A long-term vision: getting to know and developing takes time, so we favor long-term support rather than miracle recipes for immediate transformations.



The benefits of the program:

  • Develop emotional and relational intelligence

  • Find keys to establish your personal/professional balance

  • More efficiency

  • Better alignment of values and objectives

  • Sharpen your interpersonal skills (listening, assertiveness, letting go, letting go, managing temporality)

  • Strengthen your "value-creating" leadership style and impact

  • More serenity, pleasure at work



231 Rue Saint Honoré

75001 PARIS

Siret 98383843400014



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Credits Graphics : Claire Basso & Camille Levrier

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