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Kyudo - Collective Leadership Workout 

Kyudo's photography
Image: 2H Media

KYUDO, the "Way of the Bow", is the traditional art of Japanese archery. It is considered one of the purest martial arts. It is a path to inner harmony, self-mastery and a deep understanding of the world.
In Kyudo, hitting the target precisely is the consequence of the balance between: the body/soul/mental harmony of the archer, the consideration of the group of archers, the overall context and the environment.

Thus, Kyudo invites practitioners to better understand themselves and the world around them. Kyudo can be seen as a metaphor for the collective: the search for effective gestures, the quest for precision towards a common goal, the sharing of common values, harmony in relationships, and the evaluation of each action.

Cooperate = to create common works


For whom?

Kyudo is a program designed for teams, wishing to improve the way they cooperate together and embody harmonious collective leadership, where relational quality and efficiency are the drivers of their influence and impact.


In practice

Kyudo is structured around a kick-off seminar where the horse facilitated coaching approach will be experimented, then follow-up sessions will be organized, combining horse assisted coaching and co-development approaches.

The duration of the program is adjustable according to your goal.

Like Japanese Kyudo, we will pay great attention to the precision of the gestures, to the knowledge of oneself and the group, to the definition of a clear vision and values, to the trust created between the participants.



Kyudo is a unique program combining two approaches: horse facilitated coaching, and co-development.

Horse facilitated caoching, through Guillaume Antoine's Horses and Coaching method, allows in-depth work on the conditions necessary for a qualitative and sustainable cooperation (shared trust, relational quality, operational efficiency). For more details on the specificities and benefits of this approach, see the "Uma" section in the section "Our offer" in the menu.


Co-development is a method developed in the 80s by Adrien Payette and Claude Champagne. It is based on the creation of a learning community to perfect managerial practices and contribute to problem solving. Participants rely on concrete situations, and through a structured reflective approach, to bring out solutions, by activating collective intelligence.


The synergy of these two very powerful and complementary approaches at the service of performance and quality of life at work.



The benefits of Kyudo program:

  • Disconnect from the everyday environment to inspire and stimulate new ways of learning

  • Understand how you work together

  • Become conscious of the strengths and reinforcements of the team

  • Set a clear vision for the team

  • Strengthen connections between people

  • Optimize performance



231 Rue Saint Honoré

75001 PARIS

Siret 98383843400014



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Credits Graphics : Claire Basso & Camille Levrier

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